Monday, March 8, 2010

You Still Need an Interior Designer in This Economy

So, after last year and the terrible turn of the economy I was determined that this year would be different. You could often hear me saying, "The recession is over! Welcome to 2010!". Today I was updating my social networking pages and came across this great article from the Chicago Examiner Online.

This article was written by Laura Keany. It states the truth, that is that hiring an Interior Designer for your home may sound like a bit of a luxury, but really it is one of the best investments that you can make! It is an investment in yourself and your home and you know that you are valuable as well as your home! Your home shoudl be your sancuary and your place to relax and be comfortable!

It also talks about how today's Interior Designer is someone who listens to what you want and we listen to your needs, from budget to overall finished look.Overall it is a great read and something that put a smile on my face, I thought that I would share so you could all smile today as well!

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